Hi, cajon in this first lesson, we're gonna start with basics. We're gonna take it right back to the beginning and start with the fundamentals of cajon drum . I'm gonna show you the basic hits and some basic patterns i'll play in three different speeds once we get to the patterns. But right now, we're just gonna concentrate on how to stroke or hit the cone in a correct way to achieve the correct tone that you require. Good. So here we are basics, right? Back to the beginning.
cajon tutorial
Now I use three main hits. When I hit the corn, I use a base tone, which is located here. I use a slap tone which is located here. And I use a high slap tone, which is located on the edge here now for this exercise, we should practice even strokes with both hands, no matter if you're right handed or left handed. And we should just go through the three main strokes. So starting with the base one slap, hi, slap base stop. I slap and how you should hit the base. You want your hand not cut. Some people come your hands, you're gonna lose a lot tone there. You wanna just slightly. So there's there's a slight cup in it, but not you'll find that. You'll find that once you hear the tone experiment slot, you know you want here, that's where you're where your knuckles are there for that slap here is gonna be hitting with your fingers.
Hm. And then the edge, your uh, your your knuckles here. Okay, wrapping the edge, but not so you hurt yourself. You don't want to hurt yourself. The kahan is a piece of wood at the end of the day, and we're here and a piece of wood, and we don't want to damage ourselves. So let's practice that that parent. I'm not using my foot right now. We're gonna come to that later. Just leave your foot off the instrument, and we'll practice those tones. Hm. So the thing to do now would be to pause the video and then go and practice those.
Now I just want to explain a little thing about posture, basically. Um, sometimes a c guys playing on the on the on the lunge right down here on the bending over to get the bass tone on this. And to be honest, you're not gonna have a lot control doing that. And also you're gonna injure your back. So your posture is very important indeed. Um, you need to have your back straight and you need to be and you need to feel centered. Like, I I i'm beginner. So your if your posture is correct, then you've got maximum power available to you and energy available to you to play.
So that's really important. Now we're gonna move on and we're going to play a groove. Our first a first group. Um, simple groove, no for action right now. Just we're just going to be playing uh with the I always keep my foot just kind of down there. Anyway, I use my left foot when i'm doing pitch change. So this is our first group. Anyway, i'm slowly. Ah, IT's IT's just, uh, IT's in four four one to three or um, so that incorporates all the tones that we've learned in the first lesson here.
And I guess it's going whither we rhythm in for for, uh, so again, the rhythm after four one, two, three, four, um, hm. So the first hits are the first part of the groove is. So that's two base hits leading with your left hand. Uh, into the first beat. So it's one, two, three, four, one, two, three, four. So that's how that's how i'm kinda count in my head there. And uh, first hit, uh, the third one is the slap, not the high slot, which comes layer, just a slap.
So that's that's the second part, the first part, second part, so simple. IT's just ridiculous. Um, so let's try that bit faster after four, one, two, three, four, yeah, yeah. Um, hm, hm. A little faster. One, two, three, four, um, yeah, hm. Hm. Uh, uh, hm. So there's the first lesson, the basics. Um, I mean, there are more basics, there's more techniques, but I think for right now, you need to just go away and practice the fundamentals until you achieve the tone that you require.
Um, try that groove, try those different tones, explore the drum, find different tones again, important postures, important. You need to be saying up straight. And you need to be you're not you're not bending down to go to the con. You just up here, you don't need to go really far down to hear that bass note IT's wIThin reach. Of course, your upper body is going to be moving, but you want to try and remember just to keep that posture. Not so you're stiff, you will need to be able to move about.
But you just need to give up posture. So, you know, hunched like this, because you're just gonna do your back in. Um, i've done my back in before before I started thinking about posture. So, um, so that's really important. So, uh, anyway, that's our first lesson. Um, and uh, tune in for the second lesson, which will be uh, more advanced. R is a mm, basically in four, four, um. Ok, so take care to learn bye bye.
cajon drum solos
Gecko Cajon Model CL019,cajon drum made by Gecko Musical Instrument Co.,ltd
Post time: Aug-31-2018